Sunday, March 28, 2021

Cryptocurrency, What is it


Computerized cash,

You have heard a lot about cryptocurrencies but still do not

understand what they are and what can be done with them.

Starting with Bitcoin which was introduced after the 2008

financial crisis, the developer's plan was to create a digital currency independent of any

centralized authority. That could be digitally transferred with low

transaction fees like normal fiat currencies. Cryptocurrency

designed to work as a medium of exchange in the form of a widely

accepted token or coin that can be exchanged for

goods and service and also function as a peer-to-peer

digital payment system, allowing people to make payments directly

to each other without the need of banks or other financial services.

Cryptocurrencies function by use of cryptographic

technology such as blockchain, with

unbreakable encryption securing the financial transactions and

verifying the transfer of funds. What are the benefits of using

cryptocurrencies for payment? Let's look at

the current payment system being used.

When you buy or sell something or transfer

money, the payment is processed by banks or credit card

companies. Banks and  financial institutions charge transaction fees and international

payments take a long time and are expensive. With cryptocurrencies the cost of making

payments is minimal, almost instant requiring only an internet connection.  

There are risks, most cryptocurrencies are anonymous, making

them a useful for illegal activity.

Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin have no real-life value, they are

worth what people are willing to pay in the market. 



Now, do you want to be a part of that change and educate yourself, so you can benefit from this
 new digital technology that is here to stay.

For more info:  Click here

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